red broken car on a red towing truck

When Do Towing Services Come in Handy


Towing services can come in handy when you least expect them. Here at Patterson Towing LLC, we have helped countless clients move vehicles of all sizes and ensure that their needs for towing in Centreville, Illinois, are met.

As we continue to provide medium duty vehicle towing in Illinois, we know how our services can help all sorts of drivers and vehicle owners. When will you need these towing services?

  • Breaking Down on the Road
    Breaking down on the road will always be a possibility for every vehicle. These can be unexpected, and when they do happen, drivers can get stranded on the road. With towing services, you can get your vehicle off the road and to a shop where your vehicle can get checked by a mechanic.
  • Accidents
    Road accidents can be as unexpected and as prevalent as vehicular problems. Similarly, they are also inevitable. Of course, nobody wants to see drivers get into accidents. But when they happen, you can get stuck on the road. In many cases, your vehicles may be too damaged to the point where they cannot be operated. Through towing services, you can start the rehabilitation process of your vehicles.
  • Removing Junk Cars
    Lastly, towing services are highly useful in moving cars that no longer work. Junk cars will weigh tons, and they cannot be moved easily without machinery. With towing services, you can take these shops to a junk shop or a mechanic for repairs.

If you have towing needs that need to be addressed, give us a call. We also provide heavy duty vehicle towing in Illinois for larger vehicles. Reach out to us today!

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